39. Japanese Europian Christian Conference

第39回集い Vol.2 English version .pdf
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 A free man called “servant of Christ“

John 8:31-32 2,.Timthy 1:12-17

Rev. Martin Meyer

Japanese Evangelical Church Switzerland

Jesus Christ gave his disciples the promise of true freedom. But there were preconditions to this promise. The biblical meaning of “freedom” cannot be experienced by understanding a philosophical term, but only by encountering Jesus Christ personally.  We want to learn about this freedom, from what to be set free, how life will be changed and how our faith can grow by this freedom through the personal example of the apostle Paul.

Considering the next generation of European ministry.
2. Timothy  2:2

Rev. Tomoyuki Abe

 Église Évangélique Libre d'Orléans(France)


Thinking about the future of mission is a challenge that people of all generations have faced. So how should those of us in Europe who have ties to Japan face this challenge in 2022? What does the Bible tell us? In the Bible we can see Paul's attitude and words about future missions. On this occasion we will look particularly at what we can learn from the relationship between Paul and Timothy, and from this we will consider together what we should aim for and what we should do.

Freedom of Jesus Christ, boasting of the cross.
5 Galatians 5:1

Rev. Nobuyuki Uchimura(Milano Praise Church)

The theme of Galatians can be summed up in one word: 'freedom in Christ Jesus'. Paul writes this important letter with an 'intense feeling' that seems hard to contain. We are kept alive by God's grace through 'faith in Christ'. But elements can secretly creep into the church and into our personal faith that can take away that freedom. We must therefore be on guard to protect this freedom. Let us together receive the essence of the gospel that Paul is fighting head on and trying to communicate through this letter.

followers of his example

John 13:1-17

Rev. Akira Masutani(Japanese Church of the Southern Netherlands (JCSN)

Jesus washed the feet of both Judas, who betrayed him, and Peter, his first disciple. Let us learn from Jesus’ thoughts and deeds and be transformed into his likeness.

Worship  and Testimony Night
Rev Katsutoshi Shimizu (South London Japanese Church, UK)

What freedom is given to us believers? It is freedom from sin through Jesus Christ our Saviour, and above all, freedom to praise God with a joy that is unshaken by anything or anyone, as one who has eternal hope. At the same time, with all the responsibilities entrusted to us, is it not also the freedom given to society and to each individual to live in a way that bears witness to the Lord, while exercising that freedom in a way that is appropriate to the presence of God? Let us rejoice in the freedom we have been given, and let us all have a time of praising the Lord, testifying of Him everywhere.

The Christian`s freedom 

1. Kor. 8:1-13

Rev. Markus Neutzel(Manheim Evangelical Japanese church)

Through Jesus Christ, we have been saved and set free! With our new gained freedom, Paul gives us some advice. We should be mindful of others,not to cause anyone to stumble. Let us learn from Paul's experience.

Joint service (7 Aug, 10:00-11:30)
Children's Message Messenger:

Rev. Strassburger Mariene
(Tempelhof Japanese Meeting Berlin, Germany)
Adult Message Messenger:

The Right Use of Freedom
 Galatians 5:1, 13-15

Rev. Yoshiko Sasaki (Cologne Bonn Japanese Christian Church, Germany)
 In this Bible passage, the believer is given a goal, a standard, a guide to follow. It is only by believing that the cross of Jesus is for me that one can be saved from sin. However, there were people in the Galatian church at that time who were resting on their faith because they were "saved only by believing" and had a selfish and dangerous view of freedom that did not lead to the next new way of life, without thanking God. Paul, the author of this letter, then tells them how to use their freedom correctly, "Love your neighbour as yourself" (v. 15). Let us learn together about the freedom he is talking about here and how to use it.